Regional Goals
On May 2, 2012, the San Bernardino Associated Governments Board and County Board of Supervisors adopted the first two regional implementation goals developed through the Vision process, targeting cradle-to-career success and the creation of a business-friendly environment. The goals emerged from meetings between experts and stakeholders representing the elements of the Countywide Vision and were honed by city, town, and county leaders during the annual City/County Conference in March of 2012.
One goal calls for partnering with all sectors of the community to support the success of every child from cradle-to-career. The other goal calls for the establishment of San Bernardino County as a model in the state where local government, regulatory agencies and communities are truly business-friendly.
Cradle-to-Career Goal

- Educating the public on the broad impacts of students dropping out of school and the benefits of completing high school and advancing to post-secondary education
- Engaging parents and the community as partners in efforts to improve students throughout their educational careers
- Providing adult intervention, tutoring and mentorship to students
- Addressing the social and economic needs of families that impact educational success
- Setting higher goals for educational and career achievement in the community
- Educating and training the workforce for existing local career opportunities and attract new high-demand jobs to the area
- Fostering entrepreneurship and incorporate training that provides students with the skills to create their own jobs
Business-Friendly Goal

- Permitting and regulating agencies adopting an attitude of “helping” rather than “making” businesses comply with laws, regulations and requirements
- Encouraging business investment and development through predictablility and clarity; fostering TLC (transparency, longevity, and certainty) in regulatory environment
- Develop an inventory of best practices in use by government and regulatory agencies; adopt and promote best practices throughout the county
- Convene ongoing discussions among permitting and regulatory agencies (including their governing board members) and the business community to evaluate and improve working relationships
- Developing a central point of contact (ombudsman) in the county for business and development assistance, similar to the “Red Team” approach employed in the state during the tenure of Gov. Pete Wilson
- Developing multi-species habitat conservation plans that build upon and link existing species-specific HCPs and mitigation land banks
- Working in partnership with the business and educational communities to improve the housing-job balance in order to reduce commuter demand on highway capacity and improve quality of life