plant to paperA special exhibit “Joining Forces Plant to Paper Project” will be on display at the 29 Palms Art Gallery from May 26 to June 25.

The exhibit is a culmination of a project that began in early 2015 when the California Arts Council announced a competitive $10,000 grant for projects to enrich the lives of California’s veterans, active-duty military and their families through the arts.

The Arts Connection reached out to Mil-tree, an arts-based veterans and community organization in Joshua Tree and other nonprofits and began the first phase of their project – removing invasive plants with the support of Joshua Tree National Park’s vegetation management team. Participants then transformed the plants into pulp and paper and developed the materials into two- and three-dimensional works.

The works will be on display at the 29 Palms Art Gallery, 74055 Cottonwood Drive in Twentynine Palms.

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