Vision in Action

Students walking in University Campus

All elements of the Countywide Vision are in action and our efforts are moving us closer to achieving the goals of a complete county.

We partner with local business and educators to help us produce an educated workforce capable of sustaining our economic prosperity in the future.

We partner with water agencies to conserve and plan for the future of our communities and environment.

We establish goals for health and wellness and remove physical and psychological barriers to healthy habits.

Read examples of the Vision in Action below.



As one of the fastest growing population and employment centers in the United States, San Bernardino County is uniquely positioned to help its residents receive the skills they need to prosper in the 21st century economy. The Vision2Succeed campaign will encourage residents and businesses to get involved in learning experiences and programs that help to propel career growth and lifelong learning. Across the county we have a strong system of schools, colleges and universities as well as training and job resource centers that benefit residents and employers. A vibrant economy benefits all San Bernardino County residents. The Vision2Succeed campaign is a resource, providing residents and businesses with information about: 

  • career exploration ideas 
  • programs and events focused on workforce and skills development 
  • opportunities to explore career options through mentorships, internships and apprenticeships. 



San Bernardino County residents, families and business owners are always striving to make their communities safer. The Vision4Safety campaign aims to bring people together to create safer neighborhoods, schools and workplaces in all of our cities, towns and communities. Join a neighborhood watch group, learn how to prepare for emergencies, and follow professional safety tips to keep you and your family safe.



Regular physical activity can produce a variety of long-term health benefits for people of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. Physical activity can be simple and fun to do.

The Vision2BActive campaign aims to improve health and wellness in San Bernardino County by encouraging residents to increase their physical activity and connecting them to existing recreational programs, amenities and activities in their communities.

Vision2BActive invites all of San Bernardino County to participate in improving health and wellness in our community, to improve the quality of their lives and to advance our efforts to achieve the Countywide Vision. 


Reading at grade level by third grade is one of the greatest predictors of children’s success in school, their likelihood of going to college, and their future earning potential. In support of the Countywide Vision and the Regional Goal of supporting every child from cradle to career, the Vision2Read initiative is a year-long campaign designed to

  • Focus attention on the importance of reading;
  • Highlight literacy-related programs and services throughout San Bernardino County; and
  • Connect people to available literacy resources and/or volunteer opportunities.

Vision2Read invites all of San Bernardino County to join this effort and help “raise the bar” for literacy in our community and advance our efforts to achieve the Countywide Vision.

Visit Vision2Read for more information.

“Early Warning! Why Reading by the End of Third Grade Matters,” A KIDS COUNT Special Report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2010.

Education: Alliance for Education

Alliance For Education:The Alliance for Education is a countywide network committed to working toward the common goal of producing an educated and skilled workforce as identified in the  San Bernardino County Cradle to Career Road Map. Visit the Alliance for Education at Alliance for Education.

Water: Countywide Water Inventory

View Of Rock Formations with water

Countywide Water Inventory: A group made up of the county’s water agencies, business representatives and other stakeholders was formed to come up with solutions to challenges faced by our growing county as it strives to meet water needs.

The group determined that acting separately, the county would not have enough water through 2035, but when water agencies’ resources are combined, more than enough water exists to meet the needs of San Bernardino County residents and businesses through 2035. But that is only if water users step-up conservation efforts and the public and local government leaders are willing to invest in projects that will store and protect additional water supplies.

In December 2012, the Countywide Water Inventory was honored when it earned the 2012 Good Government Award from the Building Industry Association Baldy View Chapter.

Wellness: Community Vital Signs

A group of staff sharing ideas in a meeting

Community Vital Signs: Community Vital Signs is a partnership between the community and the County that builds upon the Countywide Vision plan to establish a health improvement framework. The framework will encompasses policy, education, environment and systems change and improve upon the Wellness Element of the Countywide Vision process by analyzing the health of the region, identifying barriers to services, and establishing health priorities for the County. Its goal is to improve the health of all County residents and the well-being of the community. Community Vital Signs will use data analysis, priority health indicators and outcomes to provide a foundation for future planning.