
243 results

A total of 40,000 books will be distributed from First Book, an organization that provides books to children in need, on Friday and Saturday, October 17-18 at the Inland Empire United Way. Teachers, child care providers and other child-serving professionals will select their quantity of books designated for the needs

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Participate in an exclusive free training program carefully designed to give business executives strategies, insights, and a ready network of contacts necessary to successfully expand sales globally. “Successful Exporting in Today’s Global Economy,” will be held from 7:30 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Oct. 9 at the Chaffey College Chino Community

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San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG) and the Countywide Vision project’s collaboration on effective climate and clean energy planning were highlighted in this article published by the Sustainable City Network. “SANBAG became the focal point for a lot of the communication and a county-wide vision of the future,” said Steve Smith, director of

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The Colton Joint Community cabinet is holding a meeting on Oct. 8 and has invited 36 teachers from the district to discuss how the community can help support students. The Colton Joint Community cabinet is an alliance between business, labor, the community and the school district to help support every child

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Today, the Countywide Vision Environment Element Group consisting of experts in environmental protection, land use, infrastructure, utilities, business and regulatory agencies met to discuss draft principles for how to best balance habitat preservation and conservation with expected population and economic growth. The draft principles were developed by Dudek, an environmental

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Celebrate reading by participating in the largest shared reading experience! Two reading sessions for Jumpstart’s Read for the Record will be hosted Tuesday, Oct. 21, at First 5 San Bernardino’s office, 735 E. Carnegie Drive, Suite 150, San Bernardino, CA 92408. The sessions are at 11 a.m. and 3p.m. Readers will be joining the campaign to beat last year’s

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