Round-Up_FLYER_v8The Family Reading Rally, co-hosted by San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools and Cal State University San Bernardino’s College of Education, will be held on Sept. 19 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.

This year at the Family Reading Rally, the Countywide Vision will kick-off Vision2Read, a campaign to promote literacy programs and services. As part of the campaign, 5,000 free books will be distributed to the first 5,000 students who attend, through the generous support of The Molina Foundation.

Also, free books will be distributed to schools and districts across the county.

In addition to the free books, there will be interactive workshops for families, as well as fun and hands-on activities at the Family Reading Rally.

The free event is for families with students in preschool through high school. Minors at the event must be accompanied by an adult. There is limited free bus transportation, but a spaces need to be reserved by Sept. 10. Reservations can be made online at .

For more information, call 909.386.2630.