inland coalitionThe Inland Coalition is looking for for young, dynamic speakers under the age of 30 who reflect the diversity of the region and can actively engage youth for the 2015 Health Professions Conference on Feb. 25, 2015.

Prospective presenters must apply by Nov. 1.

The Inland Coalition provides an adult-type of conference for high school and middle school students to learn more about health care professions. The conference is free for high school and ROP healthcare pathway students in San the San Bernardino, Riverside county areas and the Pomona Valley.

This year’s theme is “Plan Now, Live Well, Serve Here,” which reflects the goals of the Countywide Vision.

The Inland Coalition is specifically seeking professionals to speak on the following topics:

•Primary care careers (nurse practitioners; clinical nurse specialists; physician assistants; and physicians specialized in family medicine, internal medicine, geriatric medicine, pediatric medicine and obstetricians and gynecologists.)
•Allied health professions
•Community College healthcare pathways
•A-G requirements
•Nursing careers
•Working in a clinic
•Medical needs in a medically underserved area
•How to begin your health career in middle school
•Make high school count toward your healthcare career
•The many aspects of health careers
•Financing your health career
•What is a public health career?
•The future of mental health careers

The conference will be held at Cal State San Bernardino in the San Manuel Student Union.

For more information and an application for prospective presenters, click here.

Contact Carol Allbaugh with questions or comments at